Bikini Body Guide: Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Plan Nutrition pdf ebook

healthy bikini body nutrition plan by kalya itsinses

About Book

Hello and welcome to my H.E.L.P (Helathy Eating & Lifestyle Plan) just for you!
Healthy eating is essential for everyone. I am NOT in the business of promoting exclusionary diets (ie. no ‘carbs’), but I AM in the business of advocating balanced, health eating based on the Australian Guidelines for Healthy Eating. These guidelines are publically available and can be readily accessed by visiting

Based on these guidelines, this eBook has been developed to suit my market of women aged ~16–
25 years who want to obtain what we call a “bikini body”. However, to us, a “bikini body” is not a certain body weight, size or look, but rather a state where YOU are confident and feel good about yourself to what it is you want Over the past year, Fresh Fitness and I have taken the time to research and write this eBook as the first of two resources for my target market. The information in this eBook is based upon a combination of various research articles (cited throughout) and personal experiences with both my clients and myself. Through the healthy eating advice and recommendations provided, this resource is intended to further educate and assist women (in my market) work toward their goals! This eBook will cover all of your nutritional requirements and provide you with a foundation of nutritional knowledge. We acknowledge that everyone is an individual. In this way, we wish to be seen as advocates for positive health with a focus oneducating our audience and promoting healthy attitudes around the “bikini body” ideology. Previous experience tells me that you need to focus on all aspects of lifestyle such as eating, training, resting and rehabilitation in order to reach your goals. Using both eBooks in conjunction with each other can help YOU to obtain the best results in the same way many of my clients have!

What is a Healthy Nutrition Plan?

The content of my eBook is filled with both structured and flexible, but nonetheless carefully planned, nutritional foods to help you get the best results possible. These guidelines will help you achieve your goals by eating a variety of ‘MACROnutrient’ foods that fill your ‘MICROnutrient’ requirements. Based on our own experience, the Australian Guide to Healthy
Eating, and the assistance of NPA Pty Ltd., the following information is designed to help women between the ages of 16–25 achieve their goals regardless of weight, height and activity level. The food portions we have provided are based around the AGHE (Australia Guide to Healthy Eating) and the mentioned recommendations on daily adult energy requirement guidelines. The following section provides some basic advice & recommendations to cover your dietary intake throughout the day. For additional information regarding energy intake and other nutrition queries you may have, we recommend the following websites (publically accessible) to our clients:


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